BluTV x 140Journos: Sıkışmışlık

140journos' collaboration with BluTV tells the story of six characters who are dragged into a deadlock under the influence of dynamics they cannot control. A 6-part documentary series that questions the impact of institutions such as family, state and society on our personal lives. Nominated for a Golden Butterfly for best internet series.

BluTV is Turkey's #1 subscription based video-on-demand service. Founded in Istanbul in 2016, it offers a wide range of award winning international and Turkish content and original programming to its audience.

Directed by Cem Aydogdu & Mail Murad
Produced by Engin Önder
Edited by Serkan Arslan & Dilan Karadag
Art direction by Berkant Akarcan
Music by Baris Akardere in trailer and several episodes

 (c) Baris Akardere 2023. All rights reserved.